Sexual violence often leaves behind physical scars which can fade in time. But the scars inside, the mental ones that can’t be seen, are often the ones that hurt victims the most and are hardest to heal. Psychological trauma can last for lifetime. Some survivors may feel an overriding sense of shame or self-disgust that can destroy their self-esteem and confidence. Depression can damage relationships causing isolation and loneliness that can lead to self-harm and even suicide. Some cases this may transform to revenge attitude among the survivors. Therefore it is highly essential to work in this sphere.
Further most of the survivors are found to going through PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) phase. This is a consequence to the person who has experienced or witnessed sexual violence as the worst traumatic event of his/her life. Very often it has been overlooked or underestimated. Without long-term psychological support, victims live a life half lived, never reaching their potential. That is why helping survivors to learn how to overcome those feelings and regain trust to move forward becomes vital. Unlike medical help, emotional support depends on factors like gender, age, faith and ability of the survivor. It needs to be personalized and meet the specific needs of what survivors trust to work best for them.
The treatments for PTSD may generally be divided into psychotherapy and medication. Some patients respond well to one treatment modality, while other patients require both modalities. As an institution, we facilitate psychotherapy sessions to the survivors. We have developed several sets of modules for such sessions. We work with Professor of Psychology, Utkal University (Retd.) to follow up such cases. We have expanded this kind of support work in Puri, Khurdha, Ganjam and other places where we have access.