We take studies and research activities which we feel essential to understand and explain the ground truths underlying our areas of work. These research activities help us to develop our understanding and knowledge base on particular issues affecting our focus group and communities. We take support of our Advisory Committee before carrying out any such study/ research work. As our standard procedure we organize Consultation on the theme involving our resource team and other invitees.
For policy research, we often spread to national or regional spheres as per the need and advice of our Advisory committee. We then consolidate the findings and develop reports/ handbooks/manuals which help us to work effectively.
As a part of ‘knowledge management’ we secure these at our library for future reference.
We encourage new studies by students through internship. Organizationally, we support research scholars to conduct study/ research work even sometime for carrying out their own Post Graduate research work/studies.
Some of the research/ study activities carried out by our team members are
– The impact of application of “De-worming (Anthelminitic treatment) of children” through home visits in the indigenous communities of Odisha in India- a case study. (in 2013)
– Field manual to conduct Psycho-social intervention for the sexual abused children (developed in 2015-16)
– Lessons learned in building community resilience:100 villages on the bank of 3rd largest river system of Peninsula of India in 5 years (paper presented in 8th Asian Wetland Symposium, Japan in 2017)
– ‘Enhanced hydrological connectivity’ facilitated improvement of LULC status in the catchment area of Lake Chilika: a case study from Partner’s for Resilience project, India. (Presented in the 17th World Lake Conference, Japan in 2018)